Sunday, November 19, 2006

Old School Question (Chinese)

Qn 1: Who cheated bee hoon ?
Ans: cos yu pian mi fen (fish lie to bee hoon)

Qn 2: What animal falls down the most?
Ans: Fox, cos hu li jiao hua (cunning, leg slippery)

Qn 3: Xiao ming drinks milk to grow up, Da ming drinks what?
Ans: Da ming drink wine, cos Jiu Yang Da Ming (wine brought up da ming / i long heard b4 ur name)
Qn 4: Which chinese actress/singer does not have centre parting?
Ans: Wu Zong Xian (no centre line)

Qn 5: Who walk normally also got stop by police and got fine?
Ans: Zhou Jie Lun, cos Jay Walking

Qn 7:Which emperor (huang di) is blind??
Ans: Kang Xi (Can't see)

Qn 8: How does a fish laugh?
Ans: HE HE HE (hokkien pounounce for fish)

Qn 9: How does a prawn laugh?
Ans: HEI HEI HEI! (hokkien pounounce for prawn)

Qn 10: Which animal should you look for if you're unable to open a bottle cap?
Ans: peacock, cos kong que kai ping (peacock open feathers / peacock open bottle)

Qn 11: Why baby don't need to brush teeth?
Ans: cos bei bi wu chi (baby no teeth/ cunning & evil)

Qn 12: Which button on your keyboard is the most famous?
Ans: F4

Qn 13: Which button on your keyboard is the fastest?

Qn 14: Which button on your keyboard is the fastest?
Ans: "F", because FBI (F bei ai "悲哀")

Qns 15: Xiao Hong, Xiao Bai, Xiao Hei, Xiao Lan,Xiao Huang, who cannot tahan roller-coasters?
Ans: Xiao Bai, cos always Xiao Bai Tu ( white rabbit / xiao bai vomit)


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